Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pt 1 Claimed: Private Parts (Claimed: An Erotic Awakening by V. N. Dare

The first thing I notice about the writing by Ms Dare is how smooth it flows. It doesn’t take long for me to sink within the story until I feel that I’m standing close by watching, or better yet in Anna’s mind, experiencing what she experiences. This is aided by the fact that Private Parts is written in first person; something I normally find a little tacky, but is very well done in this instance.

The descriptions and details are strong and vivid, events seem natural and Anna’s emotions are perceivable. She’s an extremely relatable character yet still sensuous enough to be more.

The final thing that is outstanding about this is the fact that Ms Dare keeps each part small, but hot, so that I was hooked but didn’t get the whole thing at once. It’s like enjoying a block of chocolate two squares at a time, rather than all at once. This is very unorthodox, with the only other case of this I know of being Summer Daniels’ series, yet it works. Not many stories could pull this off, but Claimed is definitely one of them. Very tantalising, I thoroughly look forward to part two!
Private Parts is available on Amazon.